Monday 13 January 2014

How did you use new media technologies in your construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Throughout the process of doing this coursework, I've used different types of software, new and old, software such as Adobe Photoshop and In-design, these bits of software are very simple to use but work really well when trying to edit photos and create digipaks.

New pieces of software that I've used I have learnt and adapted to them quickly, software such as Adobe Premier Elements 3.0, I encountered many different problems with the software, such as it freezing constantly due to the amount of clips and effects being used. Premier also wouldn't let me upload certain clips straight away due to the format so I had to work around it to get them onto the software, I had to use software such as SUPER converter, this takes files such as AVCHD and converts them to files that can be edited such as MPEG. This software can also changed the frame rates and the video quality to make it better, it also can enhance any audio you may have which makes it clearer, even thought the screenshot below makes the software look complex, it only took a bit of time to adapt and learn each function.

Something else that I did for the first time was uploading a video to YouTube, I was completely new to this process and it took a while to work out how to get the most out of it, putting the correct title, description and tags so that people would search for the video on YouTube.

Whilst using these different bits of software, I thought I used them effectively, I got the most out of the software such as Elements 3.0 with all the different effects such as Ghosting and all the different bits of editing, such as jump cuts. When using Photoshop and In-design I didn't encounter any major problems besides trying to figure out how to edit certain photos, it took me a while to learn how to completely cut everything but a person out of a photo and put them onto a blank canvas so that they could be edited.

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