Sunday 12 January 2014

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Digipak: I would like to think that my front and back album cover match the normal conventions associated with an indie/alternative album, the bright colours on both sides are normal conventions and then along side the the transparent images on both sides could be seen as unique or 'indie'. 

The text that I have used for the main text for the album name is the same as on the back cover. But the album name 'Lemniscate' on the front cover is more bold and to stand out and to be eye catching to the audience.

I think the use of transparent photos challenges the normal conventions of a indie/alternative music album cover, normally albums of the indie/alternative genre have a stand out image which catches the eye but I've used stand out and mixed colours to try and attract the audience, the use of transparent photos on both sides is just to attract the audience on top of the bright colours, when someone picks up the case they would firstly see the colours and the stand out album name and band name, then afterwards would see the faint pictures of the band members. 

The back of the album cover is similar to most indie/alternative album backs, the album name and then the list of songs below. The use of a red outline makes the song names stand out and underneath the songs are the producers name and all the record labels and bar-codes, similar to most music albums of any genre.

Digipak 2: This is my magazine advert, I made it so that it looks mysterious and eerie, which is unique to the indie genre. It challenges the usual forms of a real indie magazine article, normally they are bright and colorful to grab the eye of the consumer to see what they are advertising. This advert has the dull colors but because of the foggy/misty effect on it, it will make people look twice because they are interested in what this odd looking thing is, sort of conforming with the usual conventions attached to a indie magazine article, with it being different. 

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